Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Piss Hands

While I may not be a man of high class, I am a man who believes in proper hygiene. For the past 4 and a half years I have worked for the same company. Each floor of the office has one men's restroom. You get to know alot about people through sharing a common facility, sometimes too much.

Sure there are moment where grunts are coming through the stalls, where it sounds like grown men are giving birth to 10 lbs. babies. Disturbing? Yes. Gross? Yes. Expected from a bathroom? Yes.

My biggest issue is fuckers who don't believe in washing their hands after dropping a deuce or pissing. Either way it is quite disgusting. Their is one particular culprit who is guilty 99 percent of the time. The 1 percent where he does wash is only half-hearted. He will run is hand under the water, but with no soap.

For the past couple of years I have been waiting for the day where I would have to shake his hand, fortunately that day has not come yet. Will I shake it? Absolutely not.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Another year older, deeper in debt.

Here are some cool things from 2009:

-Black Joe Lewis and the Honeybears @ 930 club. These guys are a solid garage/soul band from Austin, Texas.

-Memphis, TN. Got to tag along for a trip I have been looking forward to for a long time. If you are into music, you must go. Favorite part, Sun Studios tour. It was the shit.

-Zombieland- Bill Murray is amazing.

-Steelers @ the White House- Dream come true. I was pleasantly suprised that I passed the test to get in. And they won the Superbowl again, so all of the haters can shut up.

-Alex Ovechkin- The best player in the NHL, love watching him play.

-The Pixies @ Constitution Hall- One of my favorite bands, perfect set.

-Books- I lost count, but I estimate reading about 35 this year. Less TV = Good.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Swinging doors a jukebox and a barstool.

You can get to know a lot about someone without ever meeting them these days. Social networking sites and dating sites give such nuggets of great information about people we have never laid eyes on. In the old days, pre internet, you actually had to be in the presence of another person to get to know their interest. These days, just cyber-stalk someone and you are likely to know their favorite sporting teams, favorite band, where they work, their relationship status, etc...

My life has fallen to new lows that I never imagined would be possible back in the day. Responsibilities and some new found conscience have hampered my love life. I have signed up for dating websites. I feel shame for it, but screw it, I don't have the time or lack of scruples to meet women like I use to.

One common trait of nearly every attractive chick whom I check out on these sites is that they like going to dive bars/pubs. Really? I understand not wanting to hang out at Applebee's or TGI Fridays, but I think these ladies do not understand what the fuck a dive bar really is. Where are the bar fights? Where is the jukebox with Merle Haggard? Where is the toothless, 60 year old dude who lives there essentially? My family comes from the great Mid West, I know what a real dive bar is.

I think white people, especially the yuppie/hipster crowd in this area, feel guilty for coming from a normal, middle class upbringing. They need to slum it down, drink some PBR's and hang out at the cool neighborhood "pub". Where is the danger, where is the depression? If you really like dive bars, how bout I take you to some shithole in West Virginia. Let's keep it real ladies. There are no dive bars in Clarendon. A bunch of trust fund kids drinking at a faux Irish pub does not count.

So why am I wasting my time writing this dribble? Because, I just don't understand the herd mentality of this area. There are not many individuals, I like surrounding myself with characters. There are very few of us around these days. In the grand scheme of things, this blog post is as much about people following trends as it is about going to dive bars. Welcome to my world folks.